Qbeez 2


Meet the Qbeez. What are they? Why, isn't it obvious? They are colored cubes with eyes. At the beginning of every level you are presented with a square board filled with such characters, the purpose being to clear as much of it as possible. To do that you only need to click on a group of three or more Qbeez of the same color. There are also some very useful help moves that you can use, moves that I for one have never seen anywhere else until the first Qbeez game and that really enhance the game experience (at least they did so for me).

I consider this one of the best games of the kind. An extra dose of charm is given by the sounds, the voices of the Qbeez always making me smile ("Qbeez together" :P). You really should try it if you're into puzzle games :)

Click to see for yourself.